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WebCMS Domains Additional microsites and their domains can be administrated. Therefor you can set redirects to special websites. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Product data Downloads Additional materials and information for products can be uploaded, administrated and connected within this module. It is possible to upload different kinds of document types, which can be integrated on the website, e. g. in a download centre, eBook shop or customer portal. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Mailing E-Cards With the e-card module you can create and maintain e-cards for different websites and specials. One e-card consists of an uploaded picture, a title and a subject. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Product data Events You can easily plan, maintain and implement events with PIM.RED. There are different features for the organisation, date details and travel administration for any kind of event. Products and persons can be connected with the event. All information will be delivered to various websites with all details even the location on GoogleMaps. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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File Processing

Robots File Processing An automatical text and extract processing (file processing) generates any extracts of PDF, ePub or Word document. These free trial downloads can be integrated on the website for marketing purposes. Customers: Publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Image Processing

Robots Image Processing The image processing generates automatically product pictures or pictures of people for different output formats. The data can be maintained and adapted to different kind of use cases e. g. the format conversion or size calculation. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Product data Indexing Tagging is maybe the most important part of the successful categorisation and SEO of books. Publisher can use this module to save their favourite THEMA keywords and index their products. Customers: Publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Landingpages Our Customer can easily create temporarly active landingpages in the CMS and build individually microsites with own domain. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Links With this module, you can built links and add data to the content management system. Furthermore, the system tests, if the links are working (Broken Link Checker). Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Magazines, Articles, Subscriptions

Product data Magazines, Articles, Subscriptions This magazine module includes different modules, which you can use for the administration of articles, the meta data and subscriptions. You can specify the access authorisation for freemium options, IP-access, online- and print subscribers and integrate concurrent user licensing. The handling for the subscribers is simplified by using the Single Sign-on technology (SSO), whereby you have only to login once, to use different kind of services. The required user data is collected through an interface to the logistics. Customers: Publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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