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Ads, Teaser, Banners

WebCMS Ads, Teaser, Banners Images, animated gifs, html5 and videos can be redirected and set as teaser in the cross-selling of the pages and products. Banner advertisement of external partners or sponsors can be displayed at specific boxes on the website. The click-through rate can be analysed. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Domains Additional microsites and their domains can be administrated. Therefor you can set redirects to special websites. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Landingpages Our Customer can easily create temporarly active landingpages in the CMS and build individually microsites with own domain. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Links With this module, you can built links and add data to the content management system. Furthermore, the system tests, if the links are working (Broken Link Checker). Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Picture and Coverflow The picture- or coverflow can be used as a touch optimised visual presentation of the latest products in terms of a picture gallery. You can create and administrate sliders for selected products or product groups. These can be integrated on the website. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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Site Structure

WebCMS Site Structure The complete structure of the website is be maintained in a site structure, where you can generate a unlimited pages, edit and delete pages. Each page can be individually build with different modules like lists of titles, texts or teaser. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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WebCMS Widgets Any html-code widgets and i-frames of extern pages, e. g., YouTube or, can be generated as cross-selling element and displayed on the website. Customers: eCommerce, publishers readmore

by : PIM.RED

2 March 17

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